Our body is an energy system. With a series of introspective exercises, Somatic Coach Claudia will gently guide you through an inner exploration into the subtle aspects of energy and patterns of contractions in your body when you're alone as well as in relation with others.
In that process, as you develop your ability to recognize physical sensations and internal state, the possibility of agency comes in, the feeling of being in charge of your life.
Both workshops will be experiential in nature, cadenced with short teachings, guided meditations, body scans, writing and interactive exercises, as well as shares in a safe container.
Part II of Coming Home To Your Body explores energetic boundaries. Claudia strongly recommends attending Part I, Staying Calm. One builds on the other.
Both workshops offer a tangible experience of the human body as an energy system. As we come home, back into presence with ourselves, we can fully inhabit our bodies, and listen to its signals. From that place of embodied presence and wholeness, we can navigate life with curiosity and compassion.
May this set of 2 workshops be a gateway for you to tap into the intelligence of your body, and discover simple tools, unique to you, that are key to understanding the language of your body.
The relationship between your body and your mind is the longest and most intimate you'll ever have. The quality of that synergy sets the tone for your energetic, spatial, and emotional boundaries.
These 2 workshops are designed to be engaging, thought-provoking, and inviting on the subject of embodiment.